eastwind holidays india
( India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Myanmar )
Dear Reader,
Thank you for visiting the website of EASTWIND HOLIDAYS ( India ). As you will observe, we have tried to simplify our website as much as possible, not because we are short on information, but more so because we want to keep your attention focused on the essentials.
There are enormous amounts of information to be obtained on the internet and we shall be eventually giving you the links to some helpful websites concerning the countries on which we excel in providing our travel services.
Our website contains the most basic and important information relating to the climate, distances between principal cities / towns and descriptions of principal tourist sites in each country.
The tour programmes section for each country gives you the essential classical programmes which are the most in demand. However, in case your interests are more elaborate, we have the experience to provide you with the type of programme you require, be it for Individuals or Groups, classical, cultural, thematic, incentive etc.
For a specific request, please send us your requirements in brief by clicking on “Contact Us” and we shall plan a well balanced programme for you. For any other specific information you require, please also send us an email by clicking on “Contact Us”.
We look forward to handling your travel requirements.
With best wishes
Eastwind Holidays ( India )